Thursday, July 22, 2010

Thursday the tired day

This day...thursday....the tired day. U know... friday tomorrow in my office, at 23 juli 2010 we have a grand opening or launching our branch and seminar with native speaker Mr.Faisal Basri...(pengamat ekonom). Wow...all people are so busy..especially my friend, 'reservation division' hehee, actually she is not reservation division in my office..actually she is my friend in CSO divison but she's to assignt that seminar (handdle reservation) morning ----> until she wants to go home at 05:00 PM, she's call all client that want to come our seminar at Diamond Conv. Hall Solo...^_^ that's very interesting.....hihihi...Usually, she's so very relax....i mean..after all her job as a CSO finished, she can relax with browsing, chating, hehehee...But immediately before the end of seminar on friday tomorrow...she's very-very busy..i just smile when she's so bussy, hahaa, but sometimes i help her to pick up the phone for reservation. Well, I hope seminar on friday tomorrow can
running smoothly until the end of seminar..okay...God Bless Our...^_^

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